Introduction to Offender Profiling

This event aims to discuss some of the basic principles of crime such as why people commit the crime. The origins and development of offender profiling and investigative psychology will be discussed. Dr. Hughes will discuss some of the cases she has worked on and why it is important to focus on specific crime scene behaviours or characteristics of the offender. People who attend a course will probably not go on to become expert criminal profilers! (Some might….) We aim to help people understand what crime is and why some people behave the way they do.

Who is this event suitable for?

Anyone with a passing interest in offender profiling and the psychology of crime. If you have watched Silence of the Lambs, Cracker, Numbers, NCIS, or love true crime documentaries then you will very much enjoy this event.

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Offender Profiling Experience

The aim of this event is to have fun whilst still being given accurate knowledge about how offender profiling is done. With some key pieces of information, attendees will have to try and work out who committed a fictional crime. By the end of the event, attendees will have some knowledge of how to profile a crime and reduce a list of possible suspects to work out who did it. This event can also be delivered at your workplace or private function. It can be an excellent team-building event or a form of enrichment and entertainment. Contact us directly for a fixed price quote.

Who is this event suitable for?

People who enjoy real crime documentaries, drama programs about profiling, general interest in how offender profiling is done professionally. No previous knowledge or skills are required. This event is also an excellent team-building or ‘getting to know you’ occasion. The theme of the offence can be adapted for various audiences.

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How to spot a liar

Introduction to Detecting Deception

The aim of this event is to teach people the various signs that indicate a person is lying. Dr Hughes will discuss some of the most common myths about how liars behave. You will have the opportunity to analyse real life TV appeals and decide if they are telling the truth or lying. Using these TV appeals we will discuss the various behaviours of truth tellers and liars. By the end of this event attendees will have an understanding of how liars behave and techniques to identify them. Light refreshments will be provided.

Who is this event suitable for?

Those who want to know how to tell when someone is lying. Those who are interested in separating myth and facts about how liars behave. Those in professions where it would be beneficial to identify when a person is lying.

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In the mind of a murderer:

An introduction to the psychology of murder

This event aims to discuss some of the psychological characteristics of murderers. The course also outlines how various crime scene behaviours can be linked to offender characteristics. Case studies will be covered showing the psychology of the murderer. By the end of this event attendees will have an understanding of the different types of murder and the types of people who are likely to carry them out. Light refreshments are included in the price.

Who is this event suitable for?

People who are interested in learning about why people commit murder and their most likely characteristics. Anyone interested in real crime documentaries, drama’s, or films about killers. Those who are interested in techniques used to link crime scene actions to offender characteristics.


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